Sunday, February 15, 2009

Development Authority works on marketing to lure industry

By Jeff Bishop
The Times-Herald

With the slow economy, now is not the time to throw in the towel when it comes to battling for industrial and business prospects, Coweta County Development Authority members feel.

"We're having kind of a hard time, economically," said David Brown, heading up the marketing committee this year for the board.

"But this is really the best time to let everyone know we're available," Brown said. "Sometimes you make your best licks when everyone is down and out."

Bill Harrison, president of the development authority, agrees.

"Now is the time to maximize your market share. It is not the time to pull your horns in and do nothing," said Harrison.

"I am fully convinced that in 18 to 24 months this thing is going to come roaring back," said Harrison. "Those who are prepared for that will be in the best position."

Toward that end, with the guidance of the marketing committee, Harrison and his staff have "begun a more aggressive campaign, with emphasis on updating and improving our Web site, increasing our contacts with all our statewide partners and participating in appropriate joint marketing missions with them."

In this era, communities have to make sure that their Web sites pop up on Google when prospects go searching. Otherwise, they'll be passed over.

Relationships with utility companies and Georgia economic development groups are also extremely important, Brown said.

"If you don't have those relationships with Georgia Power and EMC, you might miss out," said Brown.

"And when prospects go to the Georgia economic development office, we want them to say, 'Hey, make sure you look at Coweta County.'"

Harrison agreed that beefing up those relationships "could be our best dollars" for investment this year.

"We have kind of backslid in that area," Harrison said.

Maintaining a presence ensures that these groups won't forget your community when prospects come knocking, Harrison and Brown said.

"If they see you, they're going to be talking about you," said Harrison.

It's still important to reach out to other counties, like China, he said, but not at the expense of maintaining relationships with entities such as the Metropolitan Atlanta Area Chamber of Commerce in Georgia.

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