Thursday, March 28, 2013

Business tour spotlights a post-shuttle Brevard

Local economic leaders never get tired of showcasing Embraer jet’s North American headquarters at Melbourne International Airport.

They were at it again Wednesday, choosing the site to open a four-day tour of Brevard County’s economic jewels for international journalists and site-selection executives.

The tour includes the area’s substantial defense and aerospace presence, not to mention the area’s beaches and cruise ship industry.

The point local leaders hope to drive home is that while the end of the space shuttle program in 2011 hurt the area, it wasn’t the fatal blow that some contended it might be. More here.

Brampton Launches the New Economic Development Brand

BRAMPTON, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 26, 2013) - The City of Brampton today officially launched its new Economic Development Brand. A new marketing video, print campaign details, the 2012 Annual Economic Report and the new Brampton Economic Development Map were presented at the launch event.

"As Brampton continues to grow, our priorities and strategy evolve in keeping with the changing business environment and community," commented Mayor Susan Fennell. "The new marketing strategy rebrands and repositions Brampton's Economic Development brand as a forward-thinking, creative, dynamic catalyst for business success. The new brand identity will drive our business development tactics in the coming years." More here.

Conflicting accounts of economic development strategy surface

By Ryne Dittmer

The Clay County Economic Development Council has raised questions about an alleged request from the Clay County Commission to the Kansas City Area Development Council to direct its business recruitment work within the county exclusively through the Clay County Economic Development Alliance.

The Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City, meanwhile, refutes claims from the county commission that EDC-KC has made a commitment to the alliance.

The alliance was created by the Clay County Commission to promote economic development for county communities and replace the county’s previously held agreement with the Clay County EDC. The new organization has been led by consultant Greg Martinette since his contract was approved by the commission on Feb. 19. More here.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Consultants’ message to BDB: Palm Beach County’s perception has room for improvement

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

BOCA RATON -When it comes to luring businesses to Palm Beach County, the next step is to shape the perception of decision makers.

That was the message from 10 site selection consultants who are spending three days visiting the county and meeting with business and government leaders.

The consultants are here on an annual tour organized by the Business Development Board to familiarize them with Palm Beach County, to promote it as a site for business and to get feedback on how it stacks up against competitors. More here.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Miami-Dade economic development chief faces bruising fight

The Beacon Council, a non-profit that relies on tax dollars, is contending with a threat to its public funding, lukewarm support from County Hall and a rift within its own leadership. CEO Frank Nero faces a revolt from some board members, and the full board this month opted not to pass a motion expressing confidence in the Beacon Council’s management, according to several participants. More here.

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Fremont Economic Development Corp. relaunches

There's a new guy in the driver's seat at the Fremont Economic Development Corp. While he's ready to put the pedal to the metal, he says it's going to take the community working together to steer the organization to a point where it can begin proactively bringing new business opportunities to the area.

Rob Brown, interim director for FEDC, shared a five-point plan that is expected to help re-launch FEDC in the coming month. More here

Seeking new businesses, Casper turns to economic-development strategies

Jack Crews stared as the Wal-Mart site crew drove away, taking hundreds of prospective jobs with them.

Standing on the side of a road outside Cheyenne, Crews turned to his team of economic developers and said, “That’s never going to happen to us again.”

The patch of dirt Wal-Mart once turned down is now part of the Cheyenne Business Parkway — one of two LEADS-started business parks and home to 12 businesses and nearly 2,000 jobs, according to LEADS CEO Randy Bruns.

More than 20 years later and just 180 miles away, Casper's economic development team is taking steps toward using similar tools to attract new businesses.More here

Red-Blue divide may soon hurt Charlotte economic development

The chasm between the N.C. governor’s office and the mayor’s office in Charlotte may be about to hurt the Queen City region’s economic-development efforts.

That’s the assessment from Bob Morgan, Charlotte Chamber president, and Ronnie Bryant, president of the Charlotte Regional Partnership. More here.

Business leaders hail city-county economic development tie-up

A slew of area business executives joined in at a recent news conference that formally announced the partial merger of the city-run St. Louis Development Corp. and the St. Louis County Economic Council.

Honchos from Civic Progress, the Regional Business Council and the St. Louis Regional Chamber were on hand to bless the union. So were several area chief executives, who said merging the city and county’s job-creation and business development programs just makes too much sense not to do. More here.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Counties urged to make economic development regional

“No county is an island.”

Jerry Murphy’s observation, made at Monday’s meeting of the Intercounty Coordinating Committee in Baraboo, defined the tone for a discussion, among representatives from six south-central Wisconsin counties, on the importance of making economic development a regional effort.

Murphy is executive director of New North Inc., an economic development consortium that is composed of 18 northeast Wisconsin counties, including ICC member counties Marquette and Green Lake.

Attracting new businesses, keeping existing businesses and maintaining a high quality of life all depend largely on the ability to think not just in terms of one community or one county, but rather in terms of the assets that exist in a particular region, Murphy said. More here.

Amid Social Media Buzz, Don’t Forget Email Marketing

The marketing world is fully enamored with social media. But with all the focus on social, author Dale Traxler of Practical eCommerce, reminds fellow ecommerce marketers not forget about email marketing. “Email may not be trendy,” says Traxler, “but it’s cheap, easy to measure, and easy to target. It’s a good place to do testing, it keeps your brand visible, and at the end of the day it delivers results.” – We like the sound of that! More here.

Omaha Chamber launches fund drive to spur economic development

Dubbed “Prosper Omaha,” the partnership's new campaign hopes to raise $23 million from private and corporate donors to fund operations from 2014 through 2018.

The bulk, $12.5 million, is to be used to recruit new businesses, expand existing ones and develop startups.
An additional $6 million is earmarked to build a more recognizable and “exciting” image or brand for the Omaha metropolitan area.

The remainder is to help improve the business climate through, for example, public policy changes. And to sustain growth by beefing up the talent pool. More here.

Talent tops 2013 economic development agenda

For 2013, economic development is talent development.

That is the message that came from both local and state officials at the Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County’s semi-annual luncheon Tuesday.

“We really have to get a handle on the skill levels of our workforce,” said Dan Casey, chief executive officer of the EDA. “I know some of you in this room are working on this problem, and you have some solutions, and I want to thank you for your efforts. But we’re not there yet. There is a huge skills gap out there and it is getting worse.” More here.

North Dakota Oil Boom Driving Economic Development

While much of the country crawls, North Dakota is sprinting.

The lowest unemployment rate of any state. The highest rate of population growth. The Roughrider State is far from an afterthought. It’s become a destination in recent years as workers seek jobs in the oil industry there. Read more:

Port St. Lucie politics hamper economic development job

At a time of slow economic recovery, political turmoil at City Hall has hampered the hiring of an economic development manager, but Port St. Lucie will keep trying to fill the job. More here.